Repair Consultancy (Eng)


The value that this adds to the object is called 'the value of the imperfection'
and emphasizes the lived-in look and character of objects after they have been repaired.

In the workshop I make employees aware of the value of the tools and materials they work with every day through this philosophy.
Respect for those objects is growing and employees will therefore be more careful with materials.
This saves a lot of unnecessary waste and unnecessary replacement.

In the workshop it becomes clear that sustainability can also be efficient.

The workshop also stimulates creativity and awareness of the employees.
By identifying unnecessary waste during the workshop together with the repair consultant and devising solutions for it. It also promotes team building.
Because spontaneous conversations arise during the workshop about what is wrong and how things can be improved!

Repairing something together frees thoughts and positively influences spontaneous creative processes
and impulses that are of lasting value to the company as a whole.

Each industry has specific issues when it comes to waste and waste.
The repair consultant identifies the weak links and points out areas for improvement when it comes to reuse.

In the hospitality industry, for example, it turned out that:
- Glasses quickly become damaged in the dishwasher. Solution: a golden tear where the glass splinter had once burst. An elegant and useful solution to the problem with a glass that suddenly acquired unique added value.

- No more throwing away coasters, but asking people in nursing homes to crochet washable coasters.
An added value for the industry and a nice connection with people in nursing homes who come into contact with young people (the bartenders) in a pleasant way.
And vice versa.

- We organized a competition for bartenders to create a new cocktail glass using (glass) shards.
Besides a creative challenge for these bartenders, it was also a great opportunity for beverage brands to promote their own brand name
through sponsorship of this event. Something that is becoming increasingly difficult at product level via social media due to the ban
on advertising for alcoholic drinks. Thanks to the competition, brands were able to present themselves to an innovative target group in an innovative (0.0%) way.


January 2021